Process vs Product
I notice a lot of us tend to invest too much or too soon in our process before we focus on our product. Here’s 3 places I’ve seen it matter lately.
Strategy is Not Enough
Strategy is defined as “a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result.” Strategy is what I love. But I’ve been reminded lately that strategy is just not enough. Do you see what strategy requires?
What’s a vector + how can it help?
Doing more of anything or everything that has already happened is an easy route to take. Ultimately this indicates a lack of clear direction diminishes our potential for actual impact growth.
Measuring the Magic
It’s especially important for nonprofits to measure their impact adequately. When stakeholders are engaged in measuring impact, it helps ensure organizations aren’t inadvertently causing harm. And when donors are engaged in impact, their dollars follow!
Impact as a telescope + 2 questions
Why strategy is like a telescope + 2 questions that help
The 1st Step to Measuring Impact
Measuring Impact: Why it matters + How people do it wrong