Integrated Impact


You’re connected to your vision and you’re on the right track.

But you can’t figure out how to get from here to there.

You’ve gotten away from doing the stuff you love.

You spend too much of your time in the weeds of operations.

You want the business to grow but your capacity is the bottleneck.

Too much is tied up in your head and to do list.

You don’t need another program.

You just need to foster alignment.

Let’s get into it.

Free for now

The Framework

You have 3 primary drivers for your organization’s impact. When they’re connected, you find alignment:

Maximum impact, minimal friction.

It’s the dream you have, the thing that made you start this.

The way you want the world to be because of your project.

I don’t need to give you this, if you’re here you probably have it in spades.


The game plan. The here to there. It’s the how to your why.

Some people have a clear strategy and some people have none at all.

But it’s the necessary connection between your vision and your day-to-day.


You have these whether you mean to or not.

It’s how you get things done.

They can be a high source of friction if not aligned.

But when they are, they protect your vision and guard your strategies.


In your free 2 hour workshop, we’ll explore each of these impact drivers in your work. We’ll see what’s there and what’s connected.

You’ll leave knowing what needs attention and where your strengths are.

And you’ll have tools to fill in the gaps.

Maximum impact. Minimal friction. That’s why you started this thing.

Let’s go.

Free for now