Impact as a telescope + 2 questions
I imagine that strategy work is a lot like a telescope: using the same lens (impact, obviously) to zoom way in and way out. This helps us ensure that everything from the overall organizational framework all the way down to tomorrow’s to-do list are aligned with impact. Here are 2 questions to help you do the same.
Actual footage of a strategy session
1. To Zoom Way Out ask yourself: “What do I want to change in the world as a result of my work?”
Be super specific. You want to improve your community. How?? You want your clients’ lives to be better. What does that actually look like? The more precise you can be here the easier it will be for you to notice and confirm alignment everywhere else. Not sure how to measure it, check out the last post on defining impact.
2. To Zoom Way In ask yourself: “How does tomorrow’s to do list further that impact?”
The detailed, laborious things just have to get done. I know that. But connecting those things to your long term impact helps ensure alignment all the way through your day-to-day work AND it helps alleviated some of the feelings of drudgery that come with tasks like, ya know, taxes.
If connecting the dots between your long term impact and tomorrow’s to-do’s doesn’t seem feasible, let’s talk! We'll work together to make it clear or to refine some systems until it works.